Why Resolutions Don`t Work

Released on = December 18, 2005, 10:38 am

Press Release Author = Strategic Transformations

Industry = Healthcare

Press Release Summary = Resolutions don\'t work long term. Why? Resolutions start
from the negative; try intentions and visualizations for more success.


New Year\'s Resolutions Don\'t Work - Success Strategies That Do

New Year\'s Resolutions seldom last past the second week. Why? \"Resolutions start
from the negative,\" says Terah Stearns, business coach and author of Imagine the
Power: Getting to Success Faster. \"The normal process for setting a resolution
starts with \'I really should; I need to; or I must.\' None of these statements will
engender success. They start from guilt and create an unresourceful, victim
mentality. Certainly not the best key to success.\" Stearns recommends setting a
positive intention through the following steps:

1) Visualize what you want in its ideal state.

2) Feel what success would be like.

3) List the benefits of being successful.

4) Set a positive intention for your success.

For example, take a piece of paper and write your thoughts about each of these steps.
1) Visualize your body 20 pounds lighter.
2) What would it feel like to be in your clothes when you are 20 pounds lighter?
What would your energy level be like? What would your friends say when they see you
20 pounds lighter?
3) What would be the 3 biggest benefits to being 20 pounds lighter?
4) Write down your thoughts. Example: I am losing weight joyfully. My body feels
lighter and more energetic. My friends squeal with delight when they see the weight
I have lost. I love putting my clothes on each day. They are loose and comfortable.

Now that you have your visualization and your intention, read them morning, noon,
and night. Feel the joy each time you read the statements and pat yourself on the
back every time you notice a good result.

"Be sure to reward yourself with positive statements," says Stearns, "Even the
smallest thing, like not eating everything on your plate or sharing dessert, is a
powerful statement for success. When you do something you feel you shouldn\'t, make
it funny! Don\'t make yourself wrong. Read your vision repeatedly. You\'ll be
stepping into your power and enjoying your success every day."

Psychological tests have proven words like should, must, and need have a depressing
and unresourceful physical response. Some people show as much as 50% decrease in
energy saying these words. Starting negatively makes people more likely to fail.
In her work with business relationships and success strategies, Stearns eliminates
these words from clients\' vocabulary. "Start with what you want and feel it.
Resolutions start with what you must do. You can feel the difference instantly,"
Stearns advises.

Stearns offers these tips and others in a monthly success tips sheet available at
her website, www.imaginethepower.com .

Contact Terah Stearns for more insights into this topic. Direct line: (512)
657.8878 FAX: 512.215.4707 Email: ts@imaginethepower.com
Other helpful information regarding products or
services can be found at: .

For More Information Contact:

Terah Stearns

Web Site = http://www.imaginethepower.com

Contact Details = Terah Stearns

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